The World's Finest Camel Milk

The World's Finest Camel Milk

Monday, June 27, 2016

Fresh camel milk: Secret to beautiful skin?

Fresh camel milk contains lanolin and other natural  moisturising properties, providing a calming and soothing effect on the skin. Research shows that camel milk has beneficial properties on treating psoriasis patients, by both ingestion and topical application.

Naturally occurring anti­aging properties – Elastin, vitamin C and lanolic acid, can be used topically in creams, soaps and baths.

Good for healthy bones, nails, hair, teeth and skin due to calcium, vitamins and minerals. Bedouins traditionally used camel fat and milk to protect them from the sun.

Camel milk is closest in composition to human milk

Hi Mommies and Daddies. Did you know? Camel milk is closest in composition to human milk, therefore, more beneficial for mothers to give to babies and infants.
More beneficial for pregnant women to use, because of law fat, calcium and naturally occurring additional vitamins and minerals. Good for healthy bones, nails, hair, teeth and skin due to calcium, vitamins and minerals.
A higher calcium intake is important to growing child’s, pregnant women and to guard against Osteoporosis. People who care about diet will have an excellent low fat alternative.
Low fat, but calcium rich camel milk is ideal for pregnant women to promote healthy growth of foetus.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

It's the weekend! Time to shop, shop, shop for Fresh Camel Milk!

It's the last week of ramadhan 2016. Grab yours and enjoy your sahur and sungkai with Camelicious fresh camel milk. Enjoy the goodness!

Available at Hua Ho Tutong, Gadong 2 (near mercedes showroom) and Kiulap. Also available at SupaSave and One Station supermarket in Mentiri. Call or Whatsapp us at 8764741 for more info.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Camelicious fresh camel milk - Now in stock - 22nd June 2016 - Brunei Darussalam

Assalamu'alaikum, Ramadhan mubarak and hello to all our beloved readers. 

Haven't had your fresh camel milk yet? Now's the time. Shipment has just arrived and have been distributed to all the outlets throughout Brunei.

Here's where you can get your fresh camel milk.

Hua Ho outlets
Gadong 2 (near mercedes showroom)

SupaSave outlets

One Station Supermarket (Mentiri)

Expiry date for this shipment is 5th of July 2016.

Hurry while stocks last. Enjoy the goodness!

Kindly contact us at 8764741 for more information.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Camelicious fresh camel milk available in Brunei Darussalam.

Exciting news for everyone in Brunei!

Ever had camels milk before? Never? Well, here's your chance! 

Before that, let's learn a little bit more about the camel milk producer first.

Over 25 years ago, the idea of a camel­ milking facility was born at the Central Veterinary Research
Laboratory (CVRL) in Dubai. 
Research commenced on a small number of camels that were raised there with the specific aim of obtaining scientific proof of the incredible health benefits of the traditional Bedouin staple that is camel milk. 

The goal was to later introduce camel milk to the market where it would be accessible to a large number of consumers and not limited to the few camel herders in the country.

After the completion of the research in 2003, Emirates Industry for Camel Milk & Products (EICMP) was born. By 2006, the milk production facility was completed and the first camel milk products hit the market in August of the same year.

The EICMP facility, housed within the camel farm, is unmatched– it is the world's first sophisticated camel milking plant, incorporating state­ of­ the­ art technology and camel research. Special equipment for milking camels has been developed to optimize milk production and increase the comfort of the camels during the procedure. 

The UAE production facility incorporates latest technologies and meets the most stringent regulations set by Dubai Municipality, the EU, and various global organizations responsible for food safety and hygiene. Pioneering in developing a strong camel milk industry EICMP, in coordination with the Ministry of Environment and Water, was listed the first camel milk production facility in the Middle East to receive EU Commission approval to export its products to the EU zone in 2013. Also the export permit to Malaysia has been granted the same year.

Emirates Industry for Camel Milk & Products now has a herd of about 4000+ camels producing life­enriching “Camelicious” camel milk, which is available in plain and flavored varieties including strawberry, dates, saffron, and chocolate. Research continues to develop even more flavors and products. Since 2013, the product range includes three types of cheeses.

The benefits of camel milk are numerous. Along with dates, camel milk formed the indispensable diet of Bedouins. 

It is rich in vitamins, naturally low in fat, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, and has three to five times more vitamin C as cow milk. 

It also boosts the immunity system and is easily digestible due to the fact it doesn’t curdle in acidic environments such as the stomach. Some reports say that even some lactose intolerant people can enjoy camel milk. The high content of lactoferrin gives this exceptional milk anti­bacterial and anti­viral properties.

EICMP is associated with ‘The Majlis Dubai­ first and finest camel milk café’, offering baking goods, ice-cream and numerous other treats, all made from camel milk.

Health Benefits of Camel Milk

Low in fat, approx. 50% lower than cow’s milk fat content.

Contains unsaturated fatty acids, which are healthy fats with a higher percentage than exists in cow’s milk.

Healthy fats helps reducing Cholesterol to aid healthy cardio­vascular functioning.

High in natural vitamin C – much higher than occurs in cow’s milk. 1⁄2 Litres of camel milk almost represents the recommended daily requirement of vitamin C.

Boosts overall immune system.

Higher Calcium intake is important to growing child’s, pregnant women and to guard against Osteoporosis. People who care about diet will have an excellent low fat alternative.

Low fat, but calcium rich camel milk ideal for pregnant women to promote healthy growth of foetus.

Some recent studies suggest that camel milk has a positive effect on Diabetes II patients. Studies in India show that regular consumption of camel milk reduces the required amount of insulin injections and improves the quality of life. 

Research currently in progress investigating positive benefits to patients with hepatitis, autoimmune diseases, Crone’s disease and Rheumatism.

There are some views that people with lactose intolerance might digest camel milk easer than cow milk. Excellent digestibility due to camel milk not curdling in acidic environments such as the stomach.

Natural pro­biotic to assist healthy bacteria growth within the gut.


Contains lanolin and other natural  moisturising properties, providing a calming and soothing effect on the skin. Research shows that camel milk has beneficial properties on treating psoriasis patients, by both ingestion and topical application.

Naturally occurring anti­aging properties – Elastin, vitamin C and lanolic acid, can be used topically in creams, soaps and baths.

Good for healthy bones, nails, hair, teeth and skin due to calcium, vitamins and minerals. Beduins traditionally used camel fat and milk to protect them from the sun.


Traditional and healthy staple diet of the Beduins until the mid 20th century was camel milk and dates. This provided them with all the proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates required to face the harsh desert life.

No known allergies to camel milk, as apposed to common infant allergies and lactose ­intolerance of adults to cow milk.

Camel milk is closest in composition to human milk, therefore, more beneficial for mothers to give to babies and infants.More beneficial for pregnant women to use, because of law fat, calcium and naturally occurring additional vitamins and minerals.

Can also drink as much as you like without feeling bloated due to excellent digestibility of camel milk­ does not curdle in the stomach.

Easy to include in family daily diet. Camel milk can be substituted in cooking and baking wherever cow milk has been used, with more benefits to the health of the whole family.

Clean and natural tasting, not as distinctive as Goats and Cow’s milk.

So let's give it a go and invest in our health. Enjoy the goodness!